Word of Advice

If you have a Mac, avoid Snow Leopard like the plague. Still sorting out my computer issues. Stay tuned.


bmck said...

yep - experiencing the same. crash a-go-go. not fun. hope you get your system up and running!

Steve said...

Snow Leopard makes me feel like I am running Windows Millenium Edition. WTF?

michaeldustdevil said...

good to know, i'll stick to Tiger... my screen died last week on my MacBook Pro, got an external monitor until i can afford to get it fixed...

DR said...

I've uploaded an album using Windows XP:

84 Nash - A Secret Reward


and one I did earlier;

Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - Patio


ROOKSBY said...

Have to yet to hear a single good word about Snow Leopard!

Unknown said...

I thought it was great....But my computer didn't fail.

zzeitg said...

Hope your computer will be healthy again... Btw when thinking about kiwi week... Any chance for some Roy Montgomery's Dissolve?

Anonymous said...

Never, under any circumstances, invest time or money into first generation Apple hard, or software. The company seems to abide by the publish/collect now, de-bug later philosophy on the grounds that their customers would have already used up their complimentary service credits. Hip shiesters.
Good luck.